




André TAJANA is born at Saint-Chamond (Loire, France) march 4th 1913. Son and grandson of a stone carver, it was natural for him to work it too but with an artist's vocation, and it is not surprising to see how successful was carreer, by a constant work during all his life !

He began artistic studies at Saint-Etienne's Drawingschool during year 1928 and then at Beaux-Arts High School of LYON, from 1931 to 1935 and was graduate.


  • Premier Grand Prix Paris Lyon en 1938.
  • Bourses d'études et voyages en 1945 et 1950.
  • Lauréat de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts (jeux floraux) en 1944.
  • Premier prix Paul Chenavard en 1950.
  • Médaille d'argent de la ville de Paris.
  • Officier des Palmes académiques en 1982.
  • Prix des Volcans en 1983.
  • Grand Prix de sculpture de Chamalières en 1986.

Artistic education teacher at Lyon from 1952 to 1978. In the same time, he was drawing art teacher for the public course of the city Lyon.

Year 1960,
he became
drawing art
at Vichy,
where he lives
till his death,
july 3d 1999 .